早 在麗山新生報到時,我踏進麗山的第一刻,就開始做電影大夢。打算藉此一改國中拍片不如意之處~。我對自己作品的要求很高,要做就要做到盡善盡美,要如然 就不要嘗試。但糟糕的是,隨著時間流逝,我就會開始否定過去種種,找出過去創作有待進步地方。因此國中畢業以來,一直計畫著下部片的拍程。

LI SHAN senior high school 104 Movie 計畫案,片名:Flight Of Terror ,語言:英文。 What FOT meaning ? You have to see it for your self !
Flight Of Terror 戰慄飛行
In the year 2003, the economic strong power was the U.S. The prosperous New York was the pioneer of every trend. While enjoying their luxurious lives, the arrogant Americans didn’t know what a drastic change they’d face in the future.One hundred and ninety years later, the US suffered economic hard times. New York has lost her glory. Now the world political and economic powers are the United China, a union of People’s Republic of China and the Western capitals, and monopolized the world businesses. This has caused strong resentment from the Western countries toward the United China and thus a war breaks out under the table.
塔吊、滑車、視訊剪輯、劇情、運鏡等技術叫國中時的作品進步。國中初做的塔吊只有一跟掃把長,高中做到4公尺多。由於新材料 的選用加上同學們的幫忙,新塔吊能以運作,他並不是一人就能操縱的。滑車的運用也解決了不少手振問題。不同於國中的PC平台,Flight Of Terror 全程在i-Mac機上作業,兩台17吋的台燈機就這樣任我使用(還是很在意那雙獨具造型的喇叭),以i-Movie初剪,Final Cut細剪,i-DVD燒母片,在送到蘋果電大量出片。後製作耗時遠比國中時來的多。

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